Before Stan Lee's passing in November last year, there were reports of elder abuse made against Marvel comic book legend's daughter JC Lee and certain individuals close to her. Now, Keya Morgan, Lee's partner and business manager, has been charged with five counts of elder abuse against Stan the Man.
According to Reuters, the charges were filed last Friday in the Los Angeles Superior Court. These charges not only include elder abuse, but they also touch on allegations of false imprisonment as well as fraud and forgery which all tie with an incident occurring in June 2018 when Lee was 95 years old. A spokeswoman from the Los Angeles Superior Court reveals that a warrant of arrest has just been issued against Morgan.
Back in June 2018, Morgan, initially known as a collector of pop-culture memorabilia, had moved Lee from his home in Hollywood Hills to an apartment for at least three days. During that time, Lee created a video declaring that Morgan was his only partner and business manager, and that all others around him were making false claims. A few days after the incident, Lee then petitioned for a restraining order against Morgan. The collector was then arrested on the grounds of filing a false police report.
Lee denied any wrong doing, insisting that the accusations made against him were simply the result of a "witch hunt" orchestrated by Lee's daughter and attorney.
Now, months after the comic book legend's passing, Morgan is being charged for the claims he denied against. Let's hope for justice for Stan the Man.
Marvel's latest release, Avengers: Endgame, is currently screening in cinemas.
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