Square Enix Teases Final Fantasy VII Remake Announcement During Sony's State of Play

When Sony announced that their second State of Play would be airing this week, fans were a bit excited since the company revealed that the MediEvil remake would be showcased. However, it seems like the company also has something else big planned since Square Enix just tweeted out a random image from Final Fantasy VII. The image is just Cloud looking at a Chocobo but we are all pretty pumped about it.

Then, Shinji Hashimoto tweeted about Sony's State of Play, which has been translated to "Oh. You've come." Seriously, if this isn't the Final Fantasy VII remake, fans are going to eat their hats.

After years of begging, Square Enix finally revealed the Final Fantasy VII remake was a reality, putting a tear to the faces of many fans. Changes were also announced, like a new action-oriented combat system that has Kingdom Hearts and Crisis Core fans swooning. The teaser could be an indication that we will be getting more news on the remake, with many of us hoping for a release date.

It's doubtful that the Final Fantasy VII remake will be released this year but we're all hoping that the State of Play presentation proves us wrong and shows that it will come to PS4 in 2019. It's more likely that the game will come out in 2020 but that wouldn't be a problem either. Fans just need to stay in shape, eat healthily, and watch the road before the game comes out.

Square Enix's Final Fantasy VII remake is coming to the PS4. An HD port of the original Final Fantasy VII is now available on pretty much every relevant gaming system out there.

Read:Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is Coming to Nintendo Switch Next Week