Secret Invasion Episode 4 Infuriates Fans with Another Shocking Death

Credit: Marvels Studios

Credit: Marvels Studios

It seems like the recurring theme of Secret Invasion is death and destruction and since its debut episode, the Phase Five series has seen several character deaths that raised a lot of eyebrows within the Marvel Cinematic Universe fandom.

Just last week, fans were blown away after Gravik shot G'iah dead as the leader of the Skrull resistance against humans found out that Talos' daughter has been spying on them all along.

Well, it didn't take too long for the show to bring Emilia Clarke's character back but her return came with a huge price — the demise of her father.

Secret Invasion: Episode 4 Marks Shocking Death of Talos

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Credit: Marvel Studios

Titled "Beloved", the fourth episode of Secret Invasion saw Gravik run roughshod yet again. The closing moments of the episode saw Nick Fury and Talos rescue President Ritson from the Americans Against Russia (AAR) attack.

Fortunately for Ritson, it looks like he survived the attack but the same thing can't be said about Talos who died at the hands of the ever-so-vengeful Gravik. Much like how he killed Maria Hill in Episode 1, the villain disguised himself as a soldier and stabbed Talos in the chest.

Fury was left without a choice but to flee from the scene and leave his good friend behind.

Also Read: MCU Fans are Fuming After Secret Invasion Wastes Emilia Clarke

Now, we don't know for sure if Talos is actually dead because the same episode also revealed that G'iah is alive thanks to the Super-Skrull formula. Although we never saw Talos get the same upgrade, the idea of him being given the same formula isn't too farfetched to believe.

But if Talos is, in fact, no more, then this only gives G'iah another reason to exact revenge against Gravik. The real question is, can someone actually stop him?

Episode 4 of Marvel Studios' Secret Invasion is now streaming on Disney+.