MCU Fans are Fuming After Secret Invasion Wastes Emilia Clarke

Credit: Marvel Studios

Credit: Marvel Studios

Emilia Clarke's long overdue casting in the Marvel Cinematic Universe was a dream come true for a lot of fans. The Game of Thrones alumnus was a no-brainer pick for Marvel Studios and given her A-list status, many were under the impression that she'll be utilized well in the billion-dollar franchise.

However, it looks like Clarke was only meant to have a shortlived tenure in the MCU and the latest episode of Secret Invasion may have put an end to her promising Marvel career.

Secret Invasion Episode 3 Shockingly Kills Off G'iah and Fans Aren't Having It

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Credit: Marvel Studios

The latest episode of the Phase Five series dropped bombshell after bombshell — from Gravik exposing his regenerative abilities to Priscilla Fury revealing herself as an ally of the Skrull Council but one moment undoubtedly stunned everyone — the death of Emilia's character G'iah.

Last week's episode revealed that Gravik is having suspicions about G'iah's true allegiance to the Skrull Council and he even nearly caught her red-handed as she was trying to retrieve information from their database.

In the closing moments of Episode 3 titled "Betrayed", the double agent was shot dead by Gravik and it naturally left viewers in an absolute state of shock. Following the episode, fans quickly stormed Twitter to express their collective dismay with how Marvel wasted an actor of Emilia's caliber.

Check out some of the reactions below:

Also Read: Secret Invasion Episode 2: GOTG Character Plays Unexpected Role in Creation of Super-Skrull

Despite what went down in the latest episode of Secret Invasion, there's still a possibility that G'iah actually survived Gravik's wrath. Sure, she may not have healing powers like a Super-Skrull but it's worth noting that we've yet to explore what these aliens are truly capable of doing.

And I'm also pretty confident that Kevin Feige won't waste an actor Clarke so I guess we'll just have to wait and see how everything plays out.

Episode 2 of Marvel Studios' Secret Invasion is now streaming on Disney+.