Despite everything that happened in the previous episode of Sakugan, the journey continues for Memenpu, Gagumber, Zackletu, and Yuri. However, the group goes through a tough time when they get stranded on an isolated island.
Warning: Episode 9 spoilers ahead. Read at your own risk!
Sakugan Episode 9 Recap
The four of them are traveling through a tropical area, and the heat is killing them. Gagumber, Zackletu, and Yuri want to take a break and do a stopover somewhere, but Memenpu insists that they have to continue traveling. Memenpu's dream continues to haunt her, so she's determined to find out if it's true or not. Gagumber's surgery was successful, and his nerves were reattached, which more or less brings him back to his proper self.
Gagumber is eventually fed up with the heat and bugs. He stops Big Tony and jumps out into the water next to them. Yuri and Zackletu follow suit. They momentarily enjoy the water before it begins to rain. Eventually, they end up on an isolated island following a cave-in. With no power and internet, the four of them are stranded.
Memenpu tries to come up with multiple plans to get out of the island since she still wants to continue with the journey immediately. However, since she can't really rely on technology, she momentarily gets stuck and runs out of ideas. While sitting on the ground, Gagumber talks to her and offers her papaya. An idea eventually pops into her head, and they gather up as many fruits as they can to be able to gather power for Big Tony. However, the electricity was only enough for them to send out an SOS signal.
Memenpu finally tells Gagumber about the dream she had where the latter died. Gagumber insists that he doesn't plan on dying. Memenpu expected that Gagumber wouldn't believe her, so she tells him they can't be partners. Gagumber says they don't have to believe in the same stuff all the time, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care ā because he cares deeply about her since she's his daughter. Despite their individual differences, they're still family, and these differences shouldn't hinder their partnership. Later on, Merooro suddenly shows up with a large boat that emerged from under the water.
Sakugan Episode 10 Release Date
Episode 10 of Sakugan will be released on Thursday, December 9, 2021.
Sakugan Episode 10 Release Time
Episode 10 of Sakugan will be out in Japan at 11:30 PM JST. Crunchyroll is simulcasting the series. They will release the episode according to this schedule:
- Pacific Time: 7:30 AM PT
- Central Time: 9:30 AM CT
- Eastern Time: 10:30 AM ET
- British Time: 3:30 PM GMT
Related: How Many Episodes Will Season 1 of Sakugan Have?
Where to Watch Sakugan Episode 10
Sakugan is on Crunchyroll and VRV.
Sakugan Episode 10 Countdown
Sakugan Episode 10 Countdown
The gang is finally saved! Stay tuned for more of Sakugan!