Both the anime and manga’s story may have ended, but Negi Haruba’s harem romance series continues. During the anime series’ 5th anniversary event, a new Quintessential Quintuplets anime was announced that will follow the story of the siblings’ honeymoon.
This honeymoon anime is not based on the manga but will feature a new story. Along with this new anime, fans can also look forward to more new projects, including a novel and a trading card game.
The Quintessential Quintuplets Is Getting a Light Novel and Card Game
The Quintessential Quintuplets is a hugely popular harem romance anime series, especially in Japan.
While the manga ended in February 2020 and the anime in May 2022 in the movie, the series has continued to be popular, enough that lots of merch and collabs have been released in the years that followed.
Recently, the anime celebrated its 5th anniversary, which culminated in a stage event that happened in Yokohama yesterday, April 28. There, a range of new projects were revealed that delighted fans.
To start, there’s the upcoming light novel written by Hajime Asano (of Lapis Re:LiGHTs fame).
This upcoming novel has no release date yet, but it’s confirmed to feature new slice-of-life moments featuring the Nakano siblings that weren’t shown in the manga.
Fans can also look forward to a new trading card game that will come with new art drawn by series creator Negi Haruba (also the creator of Go Go Loser Ranger).
It’s not clear how the card game will play, but it is confirmed to launch later this year.
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All You Need to Know about The Quintessential Quintuplets Honeymoon Anime’s Story
Perhaps the most exciting announcement during the event is the new Quintessential Quintuplets honeymoon anime.
As its title implies, this anime will follow the Nakano quintuplets as they go on a honeymoon, presumably with the series protagonist Fuutarou Uesugi.
This story is an original concept by Negi Haruba. Aside from drafting the story concept, Haruba is also directly overseeing the new anime.
There aren’t many details about the anime yet. Considering that it’s a honeymoon story, it will likely take place after the series’ initial conclusion, which reveals who Fuutarou ended up with.
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When Will The Quintessential Quintuplets Honeymoon Anime Get Released? Our Prediction
While the anime was revealed with a special video, it’s not a proper trailer, meaning there’s no word yet on an official release date. It’s also not clear which studio will work on the anime.
Given that it’s still early into production, fans will likely need to wait until 2025 before the anime is released. Of course, depending on how long it is, there’s a small chance that it will premiere in late 2024.
Are you going to watch this new Quintuplets anime as soon as it gets released? Let us know in the comments.
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