Star Wars Merch Confirms Name of Qimir's Toothy Sith Lord in The Acolyte

qimir toothy sith lord name
Credit: Lucasfilm | Disney | Source: | Fair Use For Promotional Purposes

qimir toothy sith lord name
Credit: Lucasfilm | Disney | Source: | Fair Use For Promotional Purposes

The name of Qimir's toothy Sith Lord finally got the confirmation we needed in an upcoming Star Wars merch! Here's what the latest collectible from Lucasfilm gives away about 'Darth Teeth.'

CONTENT SPOILERS: This article contains spoilers for The Acolyte, so proceed with caution.

Qimir's Sith Master Finally Gets a Name — But It's NOT 'Darth Teeth'

One of the biggest mysteries in The Acolyte was solved in episode 5 titled Night, where we finally got the chance to unmask the man behind the 'Darth Teeth' helmet while confronting Jedi Master Sol and his own apprentice, Mae.

The 'Darth Teeth' name originally came from franchise fans, considering that the helmet the mystery man wore bore its teeth-like features that stood out from their get-up.

However, fans would be glad to know they no longer have to call the unnamed Darth Teeth, seeing as a new Star Wars merch has officially named him 'The Stranger.'

The unmasked man in question here is revealed to be none other than Qimir (played by Manny Jacinto).

qimir toothy sith lord name
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Credit: Lucasfilm | Disney | Source: | Fair Use For Promotional Purposes

While the mystery man behind the mask has been uncovered, this doesn't essentially mean The Acolyte has officially declared Qimir as one of the two Sith Lords hiding during the timeline.

READ MORE: Is [SPOILER] the Sith Lord? The Acolyte Fans Are Convinced the Real Boss Hasn't Appeared Yet

Why Fans Are Convinced Qimir is NOT the Final Boss the Series is Building Up To

The Acolyte still has three more episodes, which leaves some imagination to fans that Qimir may not actually be one of the earliest Sith Lords to exist in the franchise.

If anything, this only scratches the surface of what kind of dark sider master Mae has been serving behind the scenes.

Qimir may have been able to beat Jedi Knight Yord Fandar and his apprentice, Jecki Lon, but fans suspect that he is not the 'final boss' to expect in this story, per se.

It would be interesting to see how The Acolyte plans on unveiling the long-awaited Sith Lord behind the strings of his puppets, aka Qimir and his apprentice, Mae.

With Mae taking her sister, Osha's, place on the ship alongside Sol, things are about to escalate a lot faster on her potential claim to victory on her killing spree mission.

READ NEXT: Star Wars: The Acolyte Pulled A Parent Trap on Sol in the Latest Episode

For now, The Acolyte episode 6 premieres on July 2 on Disney+.

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