The upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ series is known to be set between the events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: A New Hope. Now, a recent rumor suggests there'll be two distinct periods to be focused on the Jedi Master's life.
The series is expected to follow Obi-Wan's journey to Tattoine and his time on the desert planet. According to Kessel Run Transmissions, the show will reportedly be going back and forth between the events of the Clone Wars as well as near the start of the Dark Times following Order 66.
The first time period follows Obi-Wan as he crosses paths with Temuera Morrison's Commander Cody as well as Hayden Christensen's Anakin Skywalker. The three characters are said to be weaning their attire from The Clone Wars animated series. For the second time period, the outlet says Darth Vader will return but it's uncertain if Cody will.
The Kenobi show is said to be a "limited series." Aside from that and the recent rumors, the show is mostly shrouded in mystery, especially since they were script rewrites allegedly done so it won't be too similar to The Mandalorian.
With no official word yet from Lucasfilm, of course, it's best to take these rumors with a grain of salt. That said, it would be interesting to see the show hop between different periods and possibly see some familiar faces.
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