Star Wars: Galaxy Edge's Smuggler's Run Gets Its Own Galaxy of Adventures Short

Probably one of the most hyped about rides in Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge is that of the Millennium Falcon: Smuggler's Run which has guests take on a "smuggling job" from pirate Hondo Ohnaka. While not everyone has the chance to check out the ride themselves, Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventures has decided to release an animated short covering the ride and the adventure that Hondo sends you on.

Check it out:

In-canon, Rey had left the Falcon at the Black Spire outpost and Hondo has decided to take the opportunity to use the ship for some money. As you can see, there are a lot of references to Solo: A Star Wars Story on the ride, particularly that of the Falcon stealing the train car. Being able to man the guns and take out ties is out of Star Wars: A New Hope.

Seeing that Disneyland make up a huge chunk of the company's profits, Disney has been trying its best to try and get the parks to open. With COVID-10 still a very present threat though, it's probably the best idea to stay home and just watch these fantastically animated Galaxy of Adventures shorts.

Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures is a series of animated shorts celebrating the characters and stories of a galaxy far, far away, featuring a bright and colorful art style, exciting action, and insight into the saga's greatest themes!

Catch more Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventures shorts on Star Wars Kids/Youtube.

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