Mushoku Tensei, or Jobless Reincarnation is an Isekai anime that tells the story of an unemployed man in his 30s who dies and is reincarnated in a fantasy world with a unique magic system while retaining all memories of his previous life. The anime follows him in his new life as a child named Rudeus, determined to use the lessons his past life taught him and live without regrets.
The anime is based on a light novel of the same name by Rifujin na Magonote and is distributed by the new Studio Bind. With amazing visuals and an interesting premise, Mushoku Tensei is already looking like an impressive first work.
Episode 4 has just become available to subscribed Funimation users and Episode 5 will start airing soon. Here's what you need to know:
Mushoku Tensei Episode 4 Recap
Episode 4, appropriately titled "Emergency Family Meeting," upsets Rudy's idealized world, introducing some serious family drama: Rudy's mother, Zenith, reveals she's pregnant to her second child. The occasion would have been a happy one for the Greyrat familyā¦ if Lilia, who works as a maid for the family was not also pregnant by Rudy's father, Paul.
Naturally, Zenith wants to send Lilia away even if this is dangerous for her and the baby, but Rudy ā who is determined to do some good in his new life ā saves her. There's some conflict between Rudy and Paul, as the latter ā not knowing his son is mentally an adult man ā feels hurt that his son doesn't need him. The women give birth to one girl each. Rudy is entrusted to a new caretaker, Ghislayne, as his parents think this will be good for his development.
Mushoku Tensei Episode 5 Release Date
The fifth episode of Mushoku Tensei, titled "A Young Lady and Violence" will be released on Funimation next Sunday, the 7th of February for subscribed users, but some might not be able to access it until the 8th, depending on their time zone. Several YouTube videos attempt to break down the expected release day and time for different time zones.
The first three episodes are available to non-subscribed Funimation users Episode 4 won't be until the 6th of February. Given that it takes up to a week for released episodes to become available to viewers without a Funimation subscription, the expected Episode 5 release date for them would be the 13th or 14th of February.
Mushoku Tensei Episode 5 Release Time
So far, the Mushoku Tensei episodes have been released at 10 AM EST, both for premium early releases and general releases, so this the expected time for Episode 5 as well.
Mushoku Tensei Episode 5 Where to Watch
Mushoku Tensei can be watched on Funimation, one of the most well-known anime streaming services. Subscribing allows for certain perks, such as being allowed to watch new releases earlier, but you can also watch for free.
Alternatively, you can stream Mushokou Tensei through Hulu. Animelab is also an option that, however, isn't available worldwide.
Mushoku Tensei Episode 5 Countdown
For subscribed users of Funimation, Mishoku Tensei will be available in 6 days. The general release date will likely be the 13th or 14th of January, marking a long wait of 12-13 days, but worry not, as there are many other completed and ongoing titles that can be watched on Funimation for free.
If you can't wait to find out more about Rudy's next adventures stay tuned for information on the next Mushoku Tensei episodes!