Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation follows the story of Rudeus, full of hope in having a happy and fulfilling life, as a reincarnation of a jobless and hopeless man in the body of a boy in a fantasy world where he has the ability to cast magic.
Mushoku Tensei Episode 3 Recap
The episode 3 recap showed Rudeus plays outside without anyone after losing his dream of giving his home gratitude to Roxy where he encountered a half-mythical kid, Sylph, whom he befriended and protected from a gathering of menaces.
Rudeus brought Sylph to his home during a tempest and while they were about to take a shower, Sylph turned out to be a young lady whose name is Sylphiette. Despite Rudeus apologizing, Sylphiette expressed her dismay. After some time, the two made up and Rudeus resolved to love his first-ever companion in his new life.
Mushoku Tensei Episode 4 Where To Watch
The whole series of Mushoku Tensei will be released via Funimation, an exclusive anime streaming service offering its platform to Asia, the US, Canada, UK, Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand.
Funimation offers both premium and free use of their streaming platform with premium users getting the first look at the new episodes of every anime in their roster. The premium account is available for a monthly fee of $5.99 and $59.99 for a year.
The fourth episode of Mushoku Tensei will be available via Funimation. Mushoku Tensei is simultaneously available on Hulu as well.
Mushoku Tensei Episode 4 Release Date
Mushoku Tensei Episode 4 is scheduled to be released on January 31, 2021, for the premium users of Funimation. It will be released on February 6, 2021, for free and for everybody who has yet to have the premium account on Funimation.
Mushoku Tensei Episode 4 Release Time
Mushoku Tensei Episode 4 will be released at 10 Am EST on January 31, 2021, for premium users and will be released at the same time for free on February 6.
Mushoku Tensei Episode 4 Premise
The fourth episode will follow the events of the previous episode where Rudeus freed himself for the first time outside his home where he met Sylph. In episode 4, Rudeus may be sent by his father to live with their extended family to allow him to have a fuller understanding of the world outside.
Mushoku Tensei Episode 4 Countdown
For all premium users, there are 2 days left before Mushoku Tensei Episode 4 would be available. In 9 days, Mushoku Tensei Episode 4 will be available for free via Funimation.
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