Peacemaker, the spinoff series following the events of The Suicide Squad, has currently become one of the most popular TV shows around the world and all the episodes that aired so far have been well-received. A lot of fans are now clamoring for either a second season of the series or a spinoff series centering another character on The Suicide Squad. As it turns out, James Gunn already has that in mind.
Speaking with Deadline, Gunn confirmed that he is already working on another The Suicide Squad spinoff series. "We’re working on something else now, another TV show that’s connected to that universe," he told them. "I can’t quite say."
According to the report, the director has approached HBO Max with the idea of another spinoff series centering around one of the characters on The Suicide Squad. The project is still in early development with no script written yet or given an official greenlight, but HBO Max is said to be high on the idea.
When asked if the spinoff series will center around Peter Capaldi's character The Thinker, Gunn just laughed and said, "I can’t say anything. It is connected to this universe, and I don’t think it will be the same genre as Peacemaker; it won’t be as much a comedy as Peacemaker, but it will be in the same universe."
In the same interview, Gunn also addressed the possibility of the second season of Peacemaker. "There’s a really good chance of that," he said. "We’re the biggest show in the world right now." However, HBO Max hasn't officially renewed it yet even though it is currently the biggest streaming series according to reports.
Gunn added, "The show is doing extraordinarily well, and we’re excited, we all like doing it, we just need to crossed some ‘T’s and dot some ‘I’s, which is basically me."
It is exciting that Gunn is already working on doing another The Suicide Squad spinoff series as the film had a lot of interesting characters that spawn off their own adventure and a lot of fans were also hoping that Peacemaker isn't the only one who is getting his own spinoff series.
It is unknown yet which character the new spinoff series will focus on, but there have been speculations that it could be Ratcatcher 2 since Margot Robbie and Idris Elba might be too busy to star in their own spinoff series. We should be able to find out more information about it soon as well as the news regarding if Peacemaker will officially get a second season.
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New episodes of Peacemaker premiere every Thursday on HBO Max.