Parallel World Pharmacy, also known as Isekai Yakkyoku, is an isekai anime that debuted in the summer season. Because it belongs to the isekai genre, one would assume that the main character would be surrounded and adored by female characters. So, is Parallel World Pharmacy a harem anime?
The isekai anime follows Farma de Medicis, a young pharmacologist in a fantasy world, on his medical adventures. Farma received the blessing of the deity Panactheos after being struck by lightning.
It turns out that Kanji Yakutani, a famous and world-class medical researcher who died from overwork, was isekai’d to assume the identity of Farma.
Now that he has gotten settled in the new world, Farma brings his advanced medical knowledge to the isekai world to help people from all walks of life.
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Is Parallel World Pharmacy a Harem Anime?
No, Parallel World Pharmacy is not a harem anime.
Isekai Yakkyoku is an isekai anime with a medical theme. It is not a harem anime in the sense that the plot doesn’t incorporate the main character, Farma de Medicis, with numerous potential love interests.
Unlike other isekai anime shows such as Arifureta, The Familiar of Zero, and How Not to Summon a Demon Lord, Parallel World Pharmacy is an exception when it comes to beautiful women competing for the affection of the main character.
Parallel World Pharmacy has so far stuck to its medical premise of treating patients and concocting medicines, with some divine arts thrown in for good measure. There are female characters in the anime, but they do not cross any lines.
In the premise, it's Charlotte, the Medicis family's pink-haired, adorable young maid. She initially assisted Farma in his recovery after being struck by lightning.
Aside from that, her relationship with Farma is one of master and servant. She does, however, treat Farma with more respect and care than others.
Farma's personal tutor, Ellen, is also present in the anime's premise. She is a beautiful young woman who has been teaching Farma pharmacology and divine arts. She is also the Archduke's apprentice.
Her relationship with Farma is merely that of a tutor and a student. So far, she regards Farma as a divine reincarnation, owing to his extraordinary skills and abilities.
Now that everything is established, Farma’s relationships with the other female characters are familial and friendly.
If you are looking for an isekai and harem anime, then Parallel World Pharmacy is exactly the anime that you should skip in the summer season.
Parallel World Pharmacy Anime's Genre
Parallel World Pharmacy is a medical-themed isekai anime. Thus, there will be a lot of medical jargon in the premise. If you dislike being fed difficult medical terms and the like, you should probably skip this one.
The premise of the anime is likely to be compared to Ascendance of a Bookworm.
While Ascendance of a Bookworm transports an aspiring librarian to the isekai world, Parallel World Pharmacy transports an overworked medical researcher to the fantasy world.
If you watched both of these shows, you would notice a striking resemblance.
While Kanji Yakutani of Parallel World Pharmacy has been chosen to assume the identity of the young pharmacist, Farma, Urano Motosu of Ascendance of a Bookworm died and assumed the identity of five-year-old Myne.
Is Parallel World Pharmacy Good?
Parallel World Pharmacy is an entertaining anime. One of its outstanding characteristics is its emphasis on the technical aspects of the premise. To avoid confusion, the medical jargon is thoroughly explained.
Despite over-representing pharmacists, Parallel World Pharmacy did an excellent job of conducting research that is relevant to real-world medical cases. The animation is also good, despite the lack of a wow factor for good measure.
Overall, Parallel World Pharmacy is a very wholesome anime that I have enjoyed so far, despite the fact that there are only three episodes available at the time of writing. It's the kind of show that has a relaxing and charming vibe to it.