Back for Season 2 is I'm Standing on a Million Lives based on the manga series of Naoki Yamakawa illustrated by Akinari Nao, Hyakuman no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru. As the premiere blew us all away, Episode 2 is here with the release date and time that you can not set on your countdown, and also, check out where to watch the anime show.
Warning! This portion may contain spoilers for I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2. Read at your own risk!
What Happened in I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Episode 1?
In I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Episode 1, I Know, Let's Go to Jiffon, Keita Torii's backstory was shown. In his father's absence, he had to be the man of the house helping his mother in raising his younger brother, Shuuji. That was also the day when he met Yosuke when the siblings were forced by a debt collector for a job. The three arrived in an alternate world and Keita became part of the warrior class.
They got a new quest to give an offer to the Jiffron Buffo at Väikdamania. It was easy for Keita to adopt the new reality and they found Kahabell, who is now a widow and has two children, and they discovered that it has been 15 years since they had been there. They stayed the night at Kahabell's and Yosuke looks back on the changes, how the war took a toll on Kahabell but it seems that now, she has found her peace.
Kahabell confessed to Yosuke her feelings for him and she said she was sorry for growing older. Iu, Yuka, and Kusue were eavesdropping and they stopped when they thought they heard enough. They all wondered what their true purpose is in the world. They traveled to Jiffron and found that the orcs took over the castle and the islanders became slaves and food.
Where to Watch I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Episode 2 With English Subs Online?
I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 officially streams online on Crunchyroll with premium users getting the first look at the new episodes of every anime in their roster. The premium account is available for a monthly fee of $7.99 and $79.99 for a year. They release the episodes for free the following week.
When is the Release Date of I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Episode 2?
I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Episode 2, Yana & Ahyu Are Both Väikdam, will be having its release on July 17, 2021 for those with a premium access subscription on Crunchyroll. It will be up for free on July 17, 2021.
When is the Release Time of I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Episode 2?
I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Episode 2 is scheduled for release at 12:30 AM JST. The release time will vary depending on your geographical location. The release time on your location is as follows:
Pacific Time: 8:30 AM PT
Central Time: 10:30 AM CT
Eastern Time: 11:30 AM EST
British Time: 3:30 PM BST
I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Episode 2 Countdown
I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Episode 2
The turn of events was a shocker, especially with Kahabell and Yosuke. They even shared a kiss. Still, the years went by faster for Kahabell and the only thing Yosuke could hold onto would be the memories they had. Would he be able to find his purpose? Find out in the next episode of I'm Standing on a Million Lives Season 2!
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