Star Wars: Squadrons continues EA's quest to keep the goodwill that they managed to get when fixing Battlefront II and releasing Jedi: Fallen Order. They seem to be doing a pretty good job thus far since Squadrons is a budget title focused on multiplayer, has a single-player mode, and won't have any microtransactions. Fans have also been pleasantly surprised by what they have seen thus far and they will be happy to know that classic Star Wars flight sims influenced Squadrons.
During an interview with, Creative Director Ian Frazier has stated that X-Wing vs TIE Fighter was a pretty big influence on Squadrons. This seems like a no-brainer since the classic game also lets players go through a single-player campaign where they side with The Empire and The Resistance. Rogue Squadron, a Gamecube classic, also had a small influence, with Frazier claiming that its quick pace and fun action is something Squadrons wants to emulate.
Even with all of these influences, Frazier was quick to bring up how the folks at EA and Motive want to make their own impact. They want Star Wars: Squadrons to stand on its own as a fun title that anyone can play with their friends. The fact that it's priced decently and has cross-play is a start so we're looking forward to seeing how this does.
Fans will be able to pick up Star Wars: Squadrons on October 2 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
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