Produced by Liden Films, Hortensia Saga is the animated series adaptation of the Japanese free-to-play role-playing video game which carries the same name developed by f4Samurai and Sega. Because of the existing game, the series has been drawing attention since its release and has been showing promise with its story and animation.
The mobile game where Hortensia Saga is based was released last 2015 and when it was announced that it would be having an animated series, gamers check the anime out to see if the series stays faithful to the story of the game.
Hortensia Saga revolves around the story of a medieval kingdom where the king was murdered and betrayed by one of the dukes who then takes over the kingdom for him to rule. What the duke doesn't know is that there is an heir to the throne who is secretly coming of age in preparation for the reclamation of the throne and the kingdom itself.
The Isekai anime series will have 13 episodes all in all for the first season and there is no confirmation yet as to the English dubbed version as well to the second season.
Warning! This portion may contain spoilers for Hortensia Saga. Read at your own risk!
Hortensia Saga Episode 7 Recap
In Episode 7, Alfred received praise for the old hags of the village commenting on Fernando's son for them. Danios is suspicious that something is up in Cocon village, secretly, Danios checks out what is happening and made an excuse that he will just be buying some herbs. Danios pointed out that he can manage alone after turning down the help of Alfred who offered to come with him.
Nonnoria bought four different medicinal herbs worrying it will be running out in the near future. When Danios came back, he told Nonnorai that he will be heading to Cocon village. To his surprise, Nonnorai said that she thought the village would be deserted.
Upon reaching the village, the Ecclesiastical Knights were blocking the entrance, telling them no one shall pass through. It was later revealed that the reason why Cocon village is deserted is that it is flooded and that it would be dangerous for people to proceed.
In order to get inside, Danios revealed that there are shortcuts to Cocon village where they later found that everything told to them at the entrance was a lie ā there was no flood at all and the village is being taken over under the control of the Orthodox Church.
In the end, Danios and the team decide to save the village, battle with the Pope and the authorities. However, Marius was caught and hangs mid-air held by Didier.
Hortensia Saga Episode 8 Where To Watch with English Subtitles
Funimation holds the official license to distribute Hortensia Saga to North America and the British Isles. Funimation airs Hortensia Saga with its original Japanese audio with English subtitles. For those who are in New Zealand and Australia, AnimeLab has got you!
AnimeLab previews Hortensia Saga the same way as Funimation: with original Japanese audio and English subtitles. For those in Scandinavia, Wakanim is the site to go to as it offers English, French, German, and Russian subtitles for the series.
Hortensia Saga Episode 8 Release Date and Time
Lamplight ~The Return of the Princess~ will be Hortensia Saga Episode 8 and will be streaming via Funimation and AnimeLab on February 25, 2021, at 11:30 PM JST/ 9:30 PM EST.
Hortensia Saga Episode 8 Countdown
As of the time of writing, Hortensia Saga Episode 8 will be available in one week so stay tuned and find out what happens to Marius and the rest of the group who was captured in their pursuit to save the Cocon village.
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