Hortensia Saga is an animated series produced by Linden Films based on a Japanese free-to-play role-playing video game of the same name developed and released by f4Samurai and Sega has quickly drawn the attention of viewers and gamers alike.
Prior to the anime, Hortensia Saga already has an existing fanbase due to the mobile game of the same name released in 2015. The game was brought to the screens last January 2021 and the gamers tune it as to how the anime would stay faithful to the arc in the game.
Linden Films adapted Hortensia Saga which is directed by Yasuto Nishikata, written by RintarÅ Ikeda, characters designed by Takayuki Onoda, and music by Zenta.
Hortensia Saga focuses on a medieval fantasy story where there are war and chaos. The king faced a painful betrayal as he was murdered by one of his dukes who wanted to rule the kingdom for himself. Unknowingly to the duke, the original heir to the throne is hidden away and is secretly coming of age to reclaim what is rightly his.
Hortensia Saga is an Isekai anime set to have 13 episodes for Season 1 while there is no confirmation yet as to the English dubbed version of the anime as well as if there would be a second season.
Warning! This portion may contain spoilers for Hortensia Saga. Read at your own risk!
Hortensia Saga Episode 6 Recap
Marius and Alfred proceed to a quest telling the same to Danios as they learned that a young woman was claiming to be the missing princess, Princess Marielle. The young woman who is allegedly the missing princess is on Juin Island and the army is in the belief that she is the real princess.
The woman claiming to be the princess gets more and more allies each day while Jim McNeill, the volunteer army leader, told the alleged princess to be ready to address the nation. Jim then proceeds to the voluntary army to prepare for the arrival of the alleged princess.
Marius thinks that the young woman is a fake and that it would be ridiculous if she can put on the act and make everyone believe instantly.
Hortensia Saga Episode 7 Where To Watch with English Subtitles
Funimation and SEA Muse Communication holds the official license to release Hortensia Saga across the globe where Funimation offers the series with the original Japanese audio with English subtitles to North America and the British Isles while Muse makes it available across Asia.
The series is also available to watch via AnimeLab for those in New Zealand and Australia, while for Scandinavia, it is available through Wakanim where it also offers French, German, and Russian subtitles.
Hortensia Saga Episode 7 Release Date, Release Time, and Countdown
Hortensia Saga Episode 7 entitled Dilemma ~A Truth Revealed~ will be available on February 18, 2021, at 11:30 PM JST/ 9:30 PM EST via Funimation and AnimeLab.
This would mean that in a few days, in three days to be exact, the truth will come out as to who the real princess is and if the one claiming to be the princess is just an impostor.