Horimiya or alternatively known as Hori-san and Miyamura-kun is an animated series adapted from the manga series with the same name produced by the animation studio CloverWorks. The anime series premiered last January 10, 2021, and is considered one of the most awaited Slice of Life anime released in years.
Horimiya Anime Plot
Horimiya follows the story of Kyouko Hori who has been hiding the other side of herself even when she is admired for being friendly and highly academic.
With her parents often away for work, Hori stands as a second parent to his younger brother where she does all the housework and leaving her no chance to socialize outside.
Izumi Miyamura, a brooding otaku is hiding his gentleness and hopelessness in studying behind his long hair and various piercings and tattoos. Miyamura did not care about anything and embraced being a loner. Struggling in school, no one agrees to take him for group works leaving him with no friends.
Miyamura and Hori crossed paths and unexpectedly became friends despite being opposites sharing between them a bond where they can show the side of their selves never-before-seen by others.
Horimiya Anime Episode 3 Recap
Hori confronted Miyamura on what he is doing and he only replied nothing while not looking. Because of this, Hori introduced herself to him and said that he should know the names of their classmates at least. Due to Hori's friendliness, Miyamura opened to her about what the class thinks of him.
Being a loner himself, Miyamura found it weird that Hori was talking to him and he recalls his odd past. The episode went on about how the two became closer as friends.
Later in the episode, Miyamura visited Hori and invited her to watch a movie together. The two held hands then Hori confessed her feelings for Miyamura then he did the same. Hori ended up happy knowing that Miyamura now belongs to her.
Horimiya Anime Episode 4 Where to Watch
Horimiya is available for streaming via Funimation which offers services to North America, British Isles, Brazil, and New Zealand.
Funimation offers premium access for a monthly rate of $5.99 or a yearly fee of $59.99 where users can enjoy earlier streaming of their anime library.
Horimiya is also available on Hulu as well. Hulu streams Horimiya simultaneously with Funimation.
Horimiya Anime Episode 4 Release Date and Release Time
The fourth episode of Horimiya will be available for premium users on January 30, 2021, at 10:30 PM EST. For those who have yet to have premium access, Horimiya will be released for free and for all via Funimation on February 6, 2021, at 10:30 PM EST.