Today, during Toei Animation's Comic-Con@home 2021 panel, the company has announced the offiical title of the next Dragon Ball Super movie, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, and a new teaser has been released to get fans hyped. The anime film is scheduled to hit theaters in 2022, and according to the staff, there will be a time skip in the story of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.
During the panel, the creative minds behind the upcoming Dragon Ball Super movie revealed that Pan, the daughter of Gohan and Videl, had grown from a baby (as we've seen during the Tournament of Power arc), into a toddler who's apparently attending school. The panel also featured Piccolo and Krillin.
While Piccolo hasn't changed much since his last appearance, Krillin is now wearing a policeman uniform. Although we know that these three characters will play significant roles in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, Toei Animation hasn't revealed any major plot details for the film yet.
When the new Dragon Ball Super was announced last May, creator Akira Toriyama confirmed his involvement with the film's production, saying, "I really shouldn't talk too much about the plot yet, but be prepared for some extreme and entertaining bouts, which may feature an unexpected character. We'll be charting through some unexplored territory in terms of the visual aesthetics to give the audience an amazing ride, so I hope everybody will look forward to the new movie!".
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is scheduled to release sometime in 2022, but the exact dates may vary per region. Toei Animation hasn't announced any plans for a new season of Dragon Ball Super yet, but you can read more details about potential new episodes here.