Dragon Ball Super Movie Reveals Official Title at Comic-Con

Toei Animation has revealed the official title of the next Dragon Ball Super movie that's scheduled to release in 2022. During the Comic-Con panel for Akira Toriyama's popular shonen series, the title of the next feature film was revealed to be Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
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Credit: Toei Animation

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero will be the second Dragon Ball Super feature film, next to Dragon Ball Super: Broly, but it's still unclear when the story will take place in the show's timeline.

The panel featured featured executive producers Akio Iyoku and Hirihiro Hayashia as well as Goku voice actor, Masako Nozawa. They also revealed new designs for some of the fan-favorite characters, including some changes to Pan and Piccolo's design. According to Comicbook.com, the panel went into detail about how the film is aging Pan, the daughter of Gohan and Videl, by a few years, as well as the changes to Piccolo's design.

The film was originally announced last May, but no plot details have been revealed yet. However, we do know that creator Akira Toriyama will be involved in the production of the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.

"I really shouldn't talk too much about the plot yet, but be prepared for some extreme and entertaining bouts, which may feature an unexpected character. We'll be charting through some unexplored territory in terms of the visual aesthetics to give the audience an amazing ride, so I hope everybody will look forward to the new movie!" Toriyama said.

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As Toriyama previously said, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero won't focus as much on power levels as Dragon Ball Super: Broly had, with the story centering on Piccolo, Pan, and Krillin. However, the plot details are still being kept under wraps, but we will update you here on Epicstream once more details are revealed.

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is scheduled to release sometime in 2022. Toei Animation hasn't announced any plans for a new season of Dragon Ball Super yet, but you can read more details about potential new episodes here.

What do you think of the title of the next Dragon Ball Super movie? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.