DC released its first-ever Webtoon, titled Batman: Wayne Family Adventures, the first publication in a new partnership between Webtoon and DC.
DC's Wayne Family Adventures features the Dark Knight needing a break, but with the newest addition to the bat-family, Duke Thomas, moving into the Wayne Manor to join an endless supply of fostered, adopted, and biological vigilante children, Bruce Wayne finds himself with his hand full. Is being a father harder than being Batman? Fans will find out when the first episode of Wayne Family Adventures is available today.
The Webtoon/DC partnership was announced earlier this month and Wayne Family Adventures will be the first of many standalone webcomics coming from the DC Universe that have yet to be published on the platform and do not require any previous reading. Webtoon is a story-telling app and is currently the world's leading platform for digital storytelling, with an average of 72 million active users. The collaboration between the two companies comes with the hope that Webtoon will be able to introduce these iconic characters to a new generation of comic readers.
"DC is excited to introduce our iconic characters to a new generation of fans worldwide," said Daniel Cherry III, DC General Manager, "We've been working closely with the Webtoon writers and artists to adapt our characters and stories to Webtoon's mobile format. Our shared goal is to create fun and compelling DC stories that all readers will enjoy. This partnership is yet another example of DC's ambition to 'meet fans where ever they are' and continue sharing DC fandom."
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This is the first of many releases that DC and Webtoon have planned for its celebration of Batman Day 2021 happening on September 18. This also includes the debut of Batman: The Audio Adventures as well as a custom Batman comic with FaZe Clan on September 24.
Batman: Wayne Family Adventures will be available on Webtoon starting on September 8, 10 am Pt/1 pm ET.