Where is the best place to watch and stream the Dark Knight trilogy as of December 2021? Want to watch it for free on your preferred streaming services? Luckily, as of December 2021, there are a few platforms that stream The Dark Knight trilogy at no additional cost.
Watch The Dark Knight Movies Free: DECEMBER 2021 Update
• All 3 Dark Knight movies can be watched on HBO Max
• You can watch the first two movies, including Batman Begins, free on Hulu
The Dark Knight trilogy (directed by Christopher Nolan) is one of the most enduring film series, praised for its strong characterization of Batman, as well as one of the best ever portrayals of Joker by the late Heath Ledger.
Whether you are new to the films or you love them and looking for a place to re-watch them, we got you covered. Here's an overview of where you can watch and stream The Dark Knight trilogy:
Is The Dark Knight on Netflix?
As of December 2021, The Dark Knight movies are NOT on Netflix. They were previously available, but have since left the platform. However, if you are interested in Batman you can watch the Gotham TV show on Netflix instead, or even check out other available superhero films such as Deadpool.
Is The Dark Knight on Hulu?
As of December 2021, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are streaming on Hulu! Both movies have been on the platform since 2020.
Is The Dark Knight on Disney+?
Unfortunately, The Dark Knight isn't available on Disney+ but there are other well-known fantasy film series you can watch there, such as The Chronicles of Narnia.
Is The Dark Knight on Prime Video?
Yes, all three films of The Dark Knight trilogy are available to watch on Amazon Prime. They aren't included in the standard Prime subscription, but you can rent each film from £3.49 or buy them starting from £5.99 each.
Is The Dark Knight on HBO or HBO Max?
The entire Dark Knight trilogy is available for free streaming online on HBO Max! HBO Max is a good place to go if you are looking for quality DC content. Just bear in mind that not all DC films are available on HBO Max all the time. Thankfully, The Dark Knight trilogy returned to HBO Max this January.
Where Else Can I watch The Dark Knight?
If you aren't subscribed to any of these major streaming platforms other options are available. You can watch The Dark Knight trilogy on Google Play Movies & TV or on YouTube, with prices starting from £3.49 per film.
In what order should I watch The Dark Knight?
For those who are just starting out with The Dark Knight, here is the correct order to watch the films is chronologically:
Batman Begins (2005)
The Dark Knight (2008)
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
The Dark Knight trilogy has received extremely positive reviews, even from viewers who don't normally enjoy superhero movies. With so many possible streaming avenues, there's no excuse, so grab some popcorn and enjoy!
Other film series you can re-watch or discover for the first time during lockdown are The Hunger Games and Star Wars.
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