A new six-episode animated anthology titled Star Wars: Tales of the Empire is set to release on May the 4th. But to fully appreciate the gravity of the new story, you must journey through some of the most essential Clone Wars arcs before Star Wars: Tales of the Empire.
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What is Star Wars: Tales of the Empire About?
Star Wars: Tales of the Empire embarks on a six-episode odyssey delving deep into the frightening Galactic Empire, unfolding through the eyes of two warriors charting separate course, across different eras.
Following a devastating loss, Morgan Elsbeth travels the sprawling Imperial world in pursuit of retribution, while the ex-Jedi Barriss Offee adapts to the shifting tides of a galaxy.
Their decisions intricately shape the trajectories of their destinies.
In What Era is Star Wars: Tales of the Empire Set?
Star Wars: Tales of the Empire is set in the Fall of the Jedi era, wherein an ancient threat resurfaces as a Sith lord.
The Sith lord masterminds a catastrophic conflict, dragging the galaxy into an all-out war with the Jedi Knights leading the charge.
Meanwhile, Star Wars: The Clone Wars is also set in the Fall of the Jedi era.
ALSO READ: How Long Are the Episodes in Star Wars: Tales of the Empire? Schedule Explored
Clone War Arc to Watch Before Starting Star Wars: Tales of the Empire
The world of Star Wars is vast, and with the arrival of Star Wars: Tales of the Empire, delving into the backstory of the characters and understanding the era becomes all the more enriching.
Here is the Star Wars: The Clone Wars watch guide before Star Wars: Tales of the Empire:
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 1, Episode 9, Cloak of Darkness: This episode will introduce you to the important characters and themes that will be part of the upcoming arcs in Clone Wars, making it an essential watch.
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 2, Episodes 5 through 8: These episodes will give you a good introduction to Barriss Offee.
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 3, Episodes 12 through 14: These installments introduce the Nightsisters and their culture.
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 4, Episode 19: This episode delves into the Battle of Dathomir or the Massacre of the Nightsisters.
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 5 Episodes 17 through 20: These episodes showcase Ahsoka leaving the Jedi Order.
Are you ready for Star Wars: Tales of the Empire? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.