The upcoming Borderlands film has added another Marvel Cinematic Universe star. The live-action adaptation of the video game series has found its Tiny Tina in Ariana Greenblatt, who is best known for playing young Gamora in Avengers: Infinity War.
The Hollywood Reporter confirms that Greenblatt will portray the 13-year-old explosives expert from Gearbox Software and 2K's first-person shooter game. She will join Thor: Ragnarok star Cate Blanchett, who has previously been cast as Lilith.
Eli Roth, who will direct the Lionsgate film, had nothing but praise for the One and Only Ivan actress.
"Ariana is a spectacular new talent in cinema," Roth confirmed in a statement. "She has already worked with many of my close collaborators and everyone raves about her. She blew us all away in her audition, and I cannot wait to see her bring the wild, insane, and unpredictable Tiny Tina to the big screen. She's going to blow up on the screen like one of Tina's grenades."
We already know that Greenblatt can move people to tears. Her brief yet memorable performance in Infinity War revealed the truth about Gamora's past. With that in mind, we're sure she will give Tina depth and the right amount of sass in the Borderlands film.
The upcoming live-action adaptation of the video game will also star Jumanji: The Next Level actors Kevin Hart and Jack Black as well as screen legend Jamie Lee Curtis. The project has not yet been given a production start date or an official release date. Stay tuned for more updates on this story.