The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Blade movie has suffered numerous delays to date, but Marvel Studios’ head, Kevin Feige, has finally shared a new update in months about the project. The upcoming film will introduce Mahershala Ali's vampire hunter into the MCU. Blade was supposed to be included in Phase 5, but production was halted when director Bassam Tariq dropped out. But director Yann Demange came to the rescue, so now the MCU offering has secured a slot in the upcoming Phase 6 of the MCU.
In a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, Feige teased that everything is going well with the film’s production despite the rumors that Blade’s original screenplay was thrown out. “It's going well. Our director Yann [Demange] is down in Atlanta right now. Cameras roll in, like, the next 10 weeks or so.” he assured. Insider reports previously claimed that Blade wouldn't begin shooting until July, but Feige's statement gave the gist that the movie will begin shooting this spring.
The reboot was first announced in 2019 at San Diego Comic-Con, with Oscar-winner Ali playing the half-vampire Blade. So far, Ali's Blade has only appeared in the post-credits scene of Eternals, where he prevents Dane Whitman (Kit Harrington) from touching the cursed Ebony Blade sword. Aside from the director change, Ali was reportedly dissatisfied with the original script, which was stated as one of the reasons the film underwent delays.
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Blade was part of a trilogy starring Wesley Snipes, with the original film released in 1998. The movie franchise gathered a loyal fanbase and spawned a sequel directed by Guillermo del Toro, followed by the third installment, Blade: Trinity, directed by David S. Goyer. Now, Marvel’s rebooted Blade movie will be part of the Multiverse Saga.
Last month, Stephen Dorff, who starred alongside Snipes in the original 1990s Blade adaptation, trashed Marvel’s upcoming remake of the movie. “We already did it and made it the best,” he told the Daily Beast. With this, fans are hoping that the numerous delays will pay off and Dorff’s remark will be debunked.
Blade is currently scheduled for a theatrical release on September 6, 2024.
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