Hajime Isayama's beloved manga series Attack on Titan will finally bid farewell this week after an impressive run that spanned over a decade. Often dubbed as one of the greatest manga titles in recent memory, Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin in Japan) has generated a cult following not just in Japan but all over the world, and as of December 2019, the manga has sold over 100 million copies worldwide making it one of the best-selling manga titles there is.
However, ahead of its finale's anticipated release, a lot of fans were enraged when Chapter 139 of Attack on Titanleaked online. This, of course, isn't all that surprising considering the manga community has been notorious for getting access to content even before they release, resulting in multiple spoilers being spread all over the internet. Naturally, Attack on Titan's final chapter wasn't safe from the leaks, and it's safe to say a lot of readers weren't too thrilled about seeing spoilers online.
Now, despite the recent outrage from fans for the supposed Chapter 139 leaks dropping online, the fandom collectively stormed social media to express their appreciation and gratitude to Isayama for creating such a masterpiece.
In fact, the hashtag #ThankYouIsayama even became a hot trending topic on Twitter worldwide as we approach the release of the final chapter and unsurprisingly, the Attack on Titan fandom became emotional in a hurry. Check out some of the reactions here:
In the spirit of true fandom, we won't be spoiling anything from the finale to keep some of you pumped up for Chapter 139's release tomorrow. Although a lot of people were already spoiled by the final chapter, in the end, I still think it's lovely that fans were able to show solidarity and give Isayama the treatment he deserves.
Attack on Titan's Chapter 139 drops in Japan tomorrow, April 9 while the 34th and final volume are expected to be released on June 9. As for its anime counterpart, Attack on Titan Final Season Part 2 will premiere in Winter 2022.
Also Read:Attack on Titan Editor Shares Insights on The Manga's Final Chapter