One of the most popular manga and anime series of all time, Attack on Titan, is reaching its final lap. The anime is in its final season and the manga is ending in April 2021. Fans are excited about how the highly beloved and famous manga will end. The second to the last chapter, Attack on Titan chapter 138 was released on March 8, 2021.
The amazing part about the manga is the fact that even though chapter 138 is second to the last chapter, it still maintains a mystery plot. All throughout the series, there were many mysteries included. Aside from the plot points and the characters, there were many mysteries that kept fans hooked on the series.
What are the Mysteries in the Attack on Titan Manga?
To avoid spoiling any plot details for people who may not have fully read the manga, the details will only include some of the mystery plot points in the series:
Why did the Colossal and Armored Titans destroy the wall?
How did Eren become a titan?
Who was the Female Titan?
Why was the Female Titan after Eren?
What are the Ackermans?
What was in the Yeagers' basement?
What was outside the walls?
What are the "paths?"
Why did Eren Kruger know Mikasa and Armin?
Is humanity really nearing extinction?
Why is Eren committing everything he does in the present timeline?
There are other mystery plot points not listed above but the manga was able to connect and reveal all those details very well. Aside from these mysteries, the series has an interesting plot and set of characters that keep the readers invested in the manga. This is why even the anime counterpart, the viewers make sure not to miss out on any episode.
Even when the manga already released the second to the last chapter, fans are still excited with the Attack on Titan Chapter 139 release, not only because it is the finale, but also because chapter 138 still left some questions unanswered. Chapter 139 would likely fix all loose ends for the entire series.
When is the Attack on Titan Manga Chapter 139 Release Date and Time?
According to Kodansha, the publisher of Bessatsu Shounen Magazine which released the manga chapters monthly, the Attack on Titan manga chapter 139 released on Friday, April 9, 2021. In some instances, the leaks are often available as early as three days before April 9.
Attack on Titan Chapter 139 Release Time
The Attack on Titan manga chapter 139 release date and time may vary depending on the time zones of the fans. It will be released at the same moment the exact hours will differ for every timezone. Based on the release of chapter 138, the release time may be similar to chapter 139.
Eastern Time: 10 am
Pacific Time 7 am
Central Time: 9 am
European Time: 4 pm
British Time: 3 pm
Japan: 12 am
After 11 years, Hajime Isayama's world-renowned and best-selling manga series will be ending in just under one month. The final volume will be released on the Bessatsu Shounen Magazine, but the physical version for volume 34 will be available on June 9, 2021.
Related: Is Attack on Titan Worth Watching? Why You Should Watch the Anime