The final manga chapter of Attack on Titan is scheduled to be released soon, wrapping up Hajime Isayama's dark epic ahead of the anime adaptation's last episodes. Recently, the creator of one of the long-running series has illustrated a final sketch that features familiar characters looking less grim.
The Twitter account Attack On Fans has shared Hajime Isayama's final sketch before the release of the manga's final chapter, featuring the heroes and villains of the iconic series before bringing his masterpiece to an end.
Hajime Isayama's Attack on Titan (Japanese: Shingeki no Kyojin)was first published in 2009 in Kodansha, and a few years later in 2013, the anime adaptation from Wit Studio premiered. Now, fans are wondering how Isayama will wrap up his beloved story. Some leaked scans and plot details have already spread on social media, so just be extra careful if you want to avoid spoilers. Kodansha has already taken legal action against illegal uploads to stop unofficial sources from spoiling the final chapter.
Attack on Titan Fans Pay Tribute to Hajime Isayama Following Chapter 139 Leaks
The final Attack on Titan manga chapter is scheduled to be published in the May issue of Kodansha's Bessatsu Shōnen Magazine releasing April 9 with the 34th and final volume shipping June 9.