Zack Snyder Claims Original Justice League Was Darker; DC Studios Wanted It Funnier

DC Studios hindering the creative process behind their own DCU films is no big secret. Apart from refusal to release directorial cuts from the original films, Justice League director Zack Snyder claims that the film was no exception.

Snyder recently sat down with The Russo brothers in a recent talk on Pizza Film School, where he dropped the bomb on how much DC Studios influenced the Justice League film, overall.

“And so the script for Justice League did evolve out of that [process],” Snyder said before unveiling a secret working with DC Studios, “Now, I’ll be honest that when the script — what happened with Justice League is that we had a very…”

Snyder added: “The original script was darker and weirder. And then when Batman vs. Superman came out, and the studio was like, ‘It’s not funny enough! People want funnier movies! They want funny stuff!”

“We did go back and do a big kind of… lightened the movie overall.” Snyder said, “And I would say that my cut of Justice League is sort of… is in between.”

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“I always preserved some of the more intense stuff that I shot anyway, [that] I thought, in retrospect, they would want anyway,” Snyder continued, “Making sure of course had what was on the page, but we had this other script,”

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“I think in the original script, Lois and Batman got together, you know, briefly.” Snyder revealed, “There was this whole other thing that everyone was like, ‘Oh my god, you can’t do that.’ [Laughs]”

“Because Superman’s dead, and I was like ‘Lois is a pretty amazing person. Yeah, so…”

There is no denying that DC fans highly preferred Zack Snyder’s four-hour cut of Justice League, especially once it was released.

Warner Bros. invested greatly in allowing the Snyder Cut out in public as The Snyder Cut of Justice League, after the informal movement of the DCU fandom worked.

It does make one more curious as to how the ‘darker’ and ‘weirder’ version of Justice League would have turned out, if that had been the originally released film.

Meanwhile, Zack Snyder’s Justice League is available to stream on HBO Max.