Yuru Camp, also known as Laid-Back Camp, follows the adventurous Nadeshiko Kagamihara, Rin Shima, and their friends for their love for the outdoors in their various travels on campsites around Japan.
The anime series is based on the Japanese seinen manga series by Afro which is published in Houbunsha's Manga Time Kirara Forward magazine and in Comic Fuz.
The manga series is licensed by Yen Press for English publication and there are eleven tankÅbon volumes to date in the manga. The manga series had its first three volumes included on the 2019 Great Graphic Novel for Teens in the American Library Association. It was also nominated for the Eisner award under the category of Best U.S. Edition of International MaterialāAsia.
This travel story of friends who love adventures scored an anime adaptation produced by C-Station and was co-financed and licensed by Crunchyroll. It is currently listed as part of the Top 100 best anime of the 2010s in Crunchyroll. It even had a short anime called Heya Camp.
It is recently premiered its second season last January 2021 and is currently ongoing. The anime series also had a live-action TV drama series adaptation which will be having its second season in spring this year.
Yuru Camp also inspired a virtual reality video game which is a mobile role-playing game called Laid-Back Camp Virtual currently under development from Gemdrops.
Nadeshiko is a high school student from Shizuoka who just moved to Yamanashi who decides to pursue Mount Fuji. She took her bike but was forced by the worsening weather to turn back. Along the way, she fainted. When she woke up, it was dark and she was in the company of Rin Shima, and that fateful day started their friendship based on adventures and camping.
Yuru Camp Season 2 Episode 8 Preview
Titled "Camping Alone," Nadeshiko arrived at the campsite where she experimented on her outdoor cooking. As she was preparing a bonfire and making foil grilled vegetables, kids approached her to find out what she is doing. Check in the link to the official stills from the official website of Yuru Camp.
Yuru Camp Season 2 Episode 9 Where to Watch with English Subtitles
Yuru Camp is officially licensed and co-financed by Crunchyroll for distribution across the globe. Crunchyroll offers Yuru Camp with the original Japanese audio paired with the English subtitles.
With Crunchyroll premium access, one can have a week earlier of streaming the latest episodes of Yuru Camp for the price of $9.99 per month or $79.99 per year.
For those who haven't subscribed yet for the premium access, the latest episode will be available the following week via Crunchyroll. To those in Asia, it can be accessed through Ani-One Asia.
Yuru Camp Season 2 Episode 9 Release Date and Release Time
Titled "Winter's End and the Day of Departure," Yuru Camp Season 2 Episode 9 will be available on March 4, 2021, at 11 PM JST/9 AM EST via Crunchyroll for the premium access subscribers. At the same time, the eighth episode will be released for free. For non-subscribers of premium access on Crunchyroll, Season 2 Episode 9 of Yuru Camp will be available on March 11, 2021, at the same release time.
Yuru Camp Season 2 Episode 9 Countdown
In no less than two days, Yuru Camp Season 2 Episode 9 Winter's End and the Day of Departure will be available for the premium access users of Crunchyroll and get to know the adventures of the group of friends as they go to Izu camp. Rin will also be installing new camp gears on her moped and her grandfather will be bringing her luggage for her new camp trip.
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