Yoda vs. Count Dooku Duel in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Gets Animated And It's Glorious

Thanks to Disney's Galaxy of Adventures series, we are treated with animated renderings of the most iconic moments in all of Star Wars. A prequel animation uploaded to the Star Wars Kids YouTube, where you can find more animated Star Wars goodness, may just be its best release yet.

Here, we are treated with the legendary battle between Yoda and Count Dooku from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. It was easily one of the most badass moments of the green Jedi master, who proved that "size matters not," as the title of the animation reads.

Indeed, he showed that he can still kick some serious butt in a lightsaber duel, jumping around and demonstrating how excellent he is with the weapon before ultimately overpowering his former Padawan. He even had a smirk throughout the whole battle and looked like he didn't even struggle while the Sith Lord, on the other hand, was giving all he's got.

The Star Wars animation also treats us with a quick glimpse of Anakin and Obi-Wan's attempt to take down Count Dooku. As fans will remember, they failed miserably and were easily beaten. Although it would have been great to see a longer version of that in the animation, it was still awesome. Check out the video below.

Star Wars fans are loving what Disney and Lucasfilm is doing with Galaxy of Adventures. They hope that more prequel scenes are transformed into this art style including Obi-Wan's battle with Grievous, which also takes place in Attack of the Clones, and of course, his duel with Anakin in Revenge of the Sith.

In fact, a lot of people seem to be into the idea of remaking the entire Star Wars prequel, original, and sequel trilogies into this format. This will not only allow old fans to experience the galaxy far, far away in a whole new way. It will also entice a new and broader audience.

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