Disney's New Battle of Hoth Star Wars Animation Ditches Luke's Co-Pilot Dak And Some People Are Not OK

Disney and Lucasfilm have been animating Star Wars for their YouTube series called Galaxy of Adventures. For these animations, they take small creative liberties to make them more kid-friendly and the latest release wasn't any different.

Luke's heroic moment in Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back during the Battle of Hoth where he takes down AT-AT walkers recently got the animated treatment, but it was played to be smoother than it really was.

As Star Wars fans will remember, Luke's gunner Dak Ralter died in the battle before the snowspeeder they piloted crash landed in front of one of the giant walkers. This scene was not in the animation and some fans immediately took to the comment section to point out the omission. Watch the clip below.

They complained that the clip pretended that Dak didn't even exist. Many of them were clearly joking while a few may have really taken offense to the move. However, this change is understandable, as this may be an attempt to make the content friendlier to the young ones it was made for.

Some fans, on the other hand, hoped that Wedge and Jensen got more love than they did in the Star Wars animation since they had bigger roles in the film than they end up having in this video.

Either way, the clip was enjoyable to watch. This animated take on Star Wars has the community hoping that the movies will be entirely remade in this amazing art style. A lot of people hope to see more prequel moments get animated. A big request is the showdown between General Grievous and Obi-Wan in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and of course, the Duel of Mustafar in Revenge of the Sith.

Perhaps Star Wars Kids has big plans for these moments so for now, let's just wait and see what they have in store.

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