X-Men: The Animated Series Showrunner Worries About the Mutants' MCU Arrival

Credit: Marvel

Credit: Marvel

Now that Disney has finally acquired the rights to Fox's Marvel properties, fans are now eagerly awaiting the arrival of teams like the Fantastic Four and X-Men to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and it's almost a guarantee that the aforementioned super teams will cross paths with the Avengers. But for the number of people excited about the potential crossover films, one of the creators of the iconic '90s cartoon X-Men: The Animated Series has come out to express his concern over the mutant franchise's inevitable integration to Kevin Feige's own universe.

Showrunner Eric Lewald recently spoke with GWW's Change My Mind podcast to share his thoughts on the mutants jumping ship to the MCU. Apparently, he was his inhibitions about the impending crossover. He said: "I don't know. I don't know how Kevin Feige sleeps at night trying to keep all these balls in the air. But for the X-Men, when people ask me about integrating them in the MCU, I always had the reverse problem. There were too many X-Men and too many villains already in the X-universe and too many connected characters. I found myself cutting half of them out and having stories about three of the X-Men. Just to keep sane and to not have to try to service all of them at once in a 22-minute episode."

Lewald added that the unenviable task of putting the Avengers and mutants together on the big screen is a crazy idea: "So, the idea of all of the X-Men and all of their villains and all of their support crew then interacting with all of the Avengers, and all of Thors and all — it's just crazy-making to me. I don't even want to try to go there."

I think I'm speaking for a lot of fans when I say that the X-Men franchise is in good hands now that Marvel Studios is going to be overseeing everything, and considering their consistent track record, I strongly believe that Kevin Feige and his crew will be able to handle the characters far better than Fox ever did.

Quite frankly, the timing couldn't have been better as well as the MCU needs to lie low a bit with their over-reliance on the Earth's Mightiest Heroes, but that's just me. I mean, there's clearly no doubt that it's time to give the Avengers a little break from the spotlight and shift the attention to their newly acquired and well-established characters. One thing's for sure, the MCU will be shaken to its very core.

That said, we're still not sure when the X-Men will exactly arrive in the franchise.

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