World's End Harem, the new science fiction anime series based on the manga written by LINK and illustrated by Kotaro Shōno, is now available to stream on Crunchyroll and other streaming platforms where it's available, but you will need to look elsewhere for the uncensored version.
The controversial anime series premiered on January 7, 2022, and the Japanese network AT-X will broadcast an uncensored version. The official website of World's End Harem also announced that Volume 1 of the anime's Blu-ray will include the uncensored version and "Forbidden Scenes", which cannot be shown on TV. There will be a total of 11 episodes once the entire season is out.
Over on Twitter, the official account of the anime also made an announcement about the Blu-ray, which you read below:
The English translation from Twitter reads: "I want you to see, feel, everything in this world. Recorded in the forbidden <Super Harlem Ver.> With the addition of unbroadcastable mating scenes! Customers who make a reservation will receive a "Daily Support Illustration Collection" (not for sale) on a first-come, first-served basis!"
The Blu-ray of World's End Harem anime series was released on March 26. It's still unclear if it will get a U.S. or U.K. release, but as of late April 2022, it's currently not available on Amazon in the U.S.
The World's End Harem anime series was originally set to air in Fall 2021 season but was delayed on the day of the first episode's release. The anime series was directed by Yuu Nobuta (The Faraway Paladin) and it was animated by studios AXsiZ (Wagamama High Spec) and Gokumi (Seiren). The manga series currently has 13 volumes with more than 7 million copies in circulation, and Seven Seas Entertainment is publishing the manga in English.
If you're wondering where to watch the uncensored version of World's End Harem, check out our guide here.
You can watch the trailer for World's End Harem below: