Wonder Egg Priority is an anime television series produced by CloverWorks in co-production with Aniplex, NTV, and Dream Partners which revolves around the story of Ai Ooto and what awaits her life upon breaking an egg, a Wonder Egg.
After the suicide of Koito Nagase, her best friend, and only friend, Ai Ooto struggles to hold on to her new reality without anything to live for. Ai encountered a mysterious entity that left her instructions to purchase an egg, the Wonder Egg.
Ai broke the egg in a world which only materializes while she sleeps, Ai needs to save people from the adversities that they would be facing. Because of this, Ai believes that she is one step closer to saving Koito from committing suicide.
With the opportunity that she has, albeit dangerous, Ai has to come face to face with the challenge to recognize how other people's demons and hers are related. In the uncanny world of Wonder Egg Priority, Ai discovers the struggles people are hiding inside their closets and rescues them from their own demons.
Wonder Egg Priority Episode 4 Where to Watch
Funimation offers a various choice of anime to stream online. For a premium subscription of 5.99/month for two simultaneous streams or premium plus for $7.99/month for five simultaneous streams and offline downloads, Wonder Egg Priority becomes available a week ahead for those who are not subscribed.
Wonder Egg Priority is among the many animes in the roster of Funimation. Funimation also offers premium plus ultra for the price of $99.99/year for unlimited streaming.
Wonder Egg Priority Episode 4 Release Date and Time
Wonder Egg Priority Episode 4 will be available on Funimation at 10 AM EST on February 3, 2021, for all premium users and will be available for all for free at the same time on February 10, 2021.
Wonder Egg Priority Episode 4 Countdown
Wonder Egg Priority Episode 4 premieres in a few hours for all those subscribed as premium users in Funimation. It will be released in a week for free for those who have yet to subscribe to premium in Funimation.
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