Violet Evergarden was originally a light novel that won the fifth Kyoto Animation Awards in 2014 under the novel category. It was then adapted into an anime by Kyoto Animation that aired in January 2018. By 2018, an original video animation was released and was followed by a spin-off film in 2019. A second movie entitled Violet Evergarden: The Movie premiered in September 2020.
The series follows Auto Memory Dolls or people who are employed by Dr. Orland to help his blind wife named Mollie. Eventually, these dolls were hired by other people who are in need. Violet Evergarden is the series’ protagonist who comes back to society after the war is over. Her goal is to find a new purpose in life and understand what Major Gilbert, her mention and guardian, said to her before he died.
Will Violet Evergarden Get a Season 2?
It has been 2 years since season one of Violet Evergarden ended. Since then, fans have been waiting for the series to have a second season to answer some of the fans' questions. Violet Evergarden is one of the most-loved anime and the demand to have a second season is high.
As of this writing, there is still no confirmation if season two will be released. But fans are still hopeful as season one did not cover the entire light novel. There are a total of four volumes. Only volumes one and two were covered by season one. With this, fans are expecting that season two could cover the third and fourth volumes of the light novel.
In case fans will be granted a second season, the plot would focus on the improvements of Violet. The whereabouts of Major Gilbert will be explained. There has been an ongoing debate among anime-only fans about whether Gilbert should remain lost or should be found. Some believe that the current situation will help Violet to improve while some think that it would be better if Gilbert returns to her.
The ending of season one gave fans a cliffhanger as it was not shown who was the person by the door who made Violet smile. Will it be Gilbert or another character? The only way anime-only fans will know is when season two is released.
RELATED: Do Violet and Gilbert End Up Together in Violet Evergarden Explained