The world was shaken by the recent controversy circling around Will Smith slapping Chris Rock during the Oscars after the comedian told a joke that offended Jada Pinkett-Smith. The Academy's Board of Governors finally released a decision to sanction the actor for a decade-long ban and immediately after, he released a statement as regards the issue.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences released their decision through Academy’s CEO Dawn Hudson and President David Rubin stating that Will Smith will be banned for ten years of attendance to any Academy events. In a short but concise statement the actor made to CNN, Will Smith said, in correspondence to the 10-year ban decision of the board, "I accept and respect the Academy's decision."
The controversy spawned during the ceremony where Chris Rock got on stage to present the Oscar Award for Best Documentary Feature and he cracked a joke about the wife of Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, comparing her to G.I. Jane, Demi Moore’s movie, with regard to her shaved head. At first, Will Smith be still laughing but after seeing his wife being offended, her husband came to the rescue and slapped the Chris Rock hard while on stage.
Chris Rock was left in shock and when Will Smith arrived to his seat, he screamed “Keep my wife’s name out of your f--- mouth.” A huge f-bomb was dropped on him and everyone was just surprised as to what just transpired. The same night, Will Smith wins the Oscar Award for Best Actor for his movie, King Richard.
Related: Netflix Halts Development on Will Smith Project Following Chris Rock Controversy
Jada Pinkett Smith is suffering from alopecia, a medical condition for losing hair, and she has publicly revealed this in the past, open about the issue and how it affected her. For many, the hair is the crowning glory and it must have hurt for her to lose it, hence, being offended with the joke of Chris Rock.
The industry and everyone who watched what happened are divided whether to side Will Smith or Chris Rock, those supporting Will Smith sees him as a husband who just came to defend his wife as any other spouse would do, and on the contrary, others say that the reaction of Will Smith is too much and too humiliating for Chris Rock. On the two sides of the coin, there’s a point but it all led to Smith’s ban.
Will Smith resigned from the Academy before the decision was made and he already apologized to Chris Rock.