A lot of people are still reeling from the shocking incident that took place at the 94th Academy Awards where Best Actor winner Will Smith slapped host Chris Rock. In case you weren't aware, the shocking altercation began after the comedian cracked a joke at Will's wife Jade Pinkett Smith who was suffering from alopecia. Dubbed by fans as "the slap heard around the world", the already infamous moment made headlines all over the globe and started a discourse on social media with everyone choosing sides.
Now, there's an ongoing debate on Twitter about whether or not Will would've done the same thing if another person cracked the "insensitive" joke. Many believe that the Suicide Squad actor's display of masculinity was selective and if a guy like Dwayne Johnson (another "Rock") made the jest, he wouldn't have retaliated and let the entire situation pass.
Shockingly enough, Will's act of chivalry drew him more flak than actual praises from both fans and celebrities and the internet made sure he was aware of it. Check out some of the reactions below:
Also Read: Mark Hamill Sides with Chris Rock Following Nasty Will Smith Altercation
As it stands, Smith has already issued a public apology to everyone affected by the incident, including Rock whose name was initially omitted from his acceptance speech at the Oscars. Rock has also gone on record to say that he doesn't plan on pressing charges against the actor despite being smacked in the face so I guess all's well that ends well. Don't expect this controversy to be forgotten though because it will go down in history as one of the ugliest moments seen on television.