Redo of Healer, based on a Japanese light novel series titled Kaifuku Jutushushi no Yarinaoshi or simply Kaiyori written by Rui Tsukiyo, is currently available to stream online in Japanese with English subtitles, but if you're wondering if there are any plans to release the English dub version in the future, read further.
Redo of Healer follows an enslaved and exploiting healing magician named Keyaru, who's bound by the knowledge that healing magicians cannot fight alone, goes back 4 years to redo his life and vows to seek vengeance for those who made treated him wrong. The anime adaptation of Redo of Healer was just released in January 2021, and it's become the most controversial anime series in the Winter 2021 season.
Will there be an English dub version of Redo of Healer?
Season 1 Redo of Healer anime series was produced by the Japanese animation studio TNK, which is best known for Kandagawa Jet Girls, High School DxD, and Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai. The studio hasn't announced any plans for an English dub. However, on December 28, Sentai Filmworks announced that it acquired exclusive rights for Redo of Healer in English-speaking territories, and they plan to release the series in both home and digital formats. The company's licensed territories include the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Greenland, Faroe and Åland Islands, Scandinavia, Spain, Portugal and Latin America.
Sentai hasn't announced if they are planning to produce an English dub version of Redo of Healer, but I wouldn't be surprised if they do since the anime's popularity is growing. Redo of Healer iscurrently still releasing new episodes, so if they plan to release an English dub person, it's likely that it will be released later this year or early next year. It's also likely that Sentai will release theuncensored version of Redo of Healeronce they release the anime for home and digital media.
We'll keep you updated here on once we find out more information about an English dub release if ever Sentai decides to produce one. For now, we can settle watching the original Japanese version with the English subs.