The return of Invincible puts Oliver, Mark's baby brother, in the spotlight. The Grayson family's moral complexity raises questions as to whether Oliver Grayson is a villain in Invincible. The comic has some answers.
Content Note: This article explores spoilers from the Invincible comics. If you don't wish to see such content, proceed with caution.
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Exploring Oliver Grayson's Invincible Arc
Oliver Grayson is Omni-Man's son and the paternal half-brother of Mark. He's currently a baby, but he becomes known as Kid Omni-Man and Young Omni-Man later in life.
His mother is Queen Andressa, a Viltrumite and Nolan's second wife.
Without spoiling too many details from the comics, we can mention that Oliver, who is growing rapidly, is going to play a role in the Viltrumite war.
Is Oliver Grayson a Villain? Here's What We Think
The case for Oliver Grayson's villainy is quite complicated and it is difficult even for dedicated fans to reach a definitive conclusion.
It suffices to say that he has a place in both the Villains Wiki and the Pure Good Heroes Wiki, not to mention the Inconsistently Heinious Wiki.
Of course, a wiki might not be the best source to determine a character's morality, as fans have to read or watch for themselves and reach their own conclusions.
However, this is indicative of the fact that opinions vary about Oliver's villainy or lack thereof.
What we do know is that Oliver isn't born inherently evil. He was sweet as a baby, though he turned somewhat rowdy as a teenager, before becoming more well-behaved again into adulthood.
What is more concerning is Oliver's occasional lack of appreciation for life. As such, he won't hesitate to commit brutal murders.
Unlike other characters in the series, Oliver Grayson only commits atrocities in order to stop villains. How different this makes him from actual villains is up to readers to decide.
Those who feel that Oliver is inherently good, quote occasions in which he tried to be heroic and do the right thing.
For example, when he realizes that his actions almost killed his brother, Mark, he resolves to be a better person and stops using questionable methods to battle villainy.
In conclusion, we can say that Oliver has good intentions but his original view seems to be that the end justifies the means.
Later, he re-evaluates his opinion, showing a potential for goodness, even if whether or not he can be forgiven is up for debate.
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