Love Alarm is a South Korean series that premiered its first season on August 22, 2019. The Kdrama stars renowned actress Kim So-hyun, who was well-known for her groundbreaking lead roles in Who Are You: School 2015 and River Where The Moon Rises. Alongside the young actress were actors Jung Ga-ram and Song Kang.
Season 2 of Love Alarm was released on March 12, 2021, and fans of the Kdrama have been debating whether it will be renewed for a third season.
What is the plot of Love Alarm?
Love Alarm is based on the webtoon of the same name penned by artist Chon Kye-young. The Kdrama revolves around the life of a young hardworking high school girl who is surrounded by a society greatly influenced by a mobile application.
The mobile application called "Love Alarm" enables its users to be notified whether someone within the range of a 10-meter radius has romantic feelings for them. Basically, if someone likes you and you have the application installed on your phone, the application will ring.
What is more intriguing is that the mobile application shows the users how many people like them but it doesn't reveal specific details.
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Who is the cast of Love Alarm?
Love Alarm is headlined by three impressive young talents. The female protagonist Kim Jojo is portrayed by Kim So-hyun. Kim Jojo's character is a smart, hardworking, and pretty high school student who seems to have a bright and cheerful personality but actually is pained due to her family's painful history.
Jung Ga-ram portrays the character of Lee Hye-young. He is a hardworking high school student who works part-time at the meat restaurant where Jojo also works in. Lee Hye-young likes Jojo and it was observed by his best friend, Hwang Sun-oh, who is portrayed by Song Kang.
Hwang Sun-oh is a popular student who is also a son of a wealthy family. But despite the fame and fortune, Hwang Sun-oh lives with an uncaring family surrounded by lots of problems.
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Will Love Alarm have a season 3?
Despite ranking as one of Netflix's top original series, there is no specific and official news about Love Alarm returning for a season 3.
It is hard to anticipate a season 3 for Love Alarm as season 2 already ended on a good note. All of the characters have satisfactory lives now.
Relatively, actor Song Kang has been appearing left and right on several Kdramas, proving the actor's growing popularity. To date, he has been on three Kdramas which were also available for streaming on Netflix.
Where to watch Love Alarm?
International fans can watch Love Alarm on the online streaming platform Netflix. The Kdrama has two seasons and each episode has a 59-minute average running time. All episodes have English subtitles and are also subbed in Spanish and Chinese.
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