Kazama Souta and Sakurai Touko are the co-workers of Futaba Igarashi and Harumi Takeda. They are supporting characters, but some fans believe that Kazama and Sakurai might end up together in My Senpai Is Annoying. So, will they, or won't they?
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Kazama and Sakurai: A Pair That Fans Can't Get Enough Of
Kazama has short black hair and usually wears a white button-up shirt with a blue necktie.
Meanwhile, Sakurai is a pretty and friendly woman who is popular among her male colleagues. She has long black hair with a noticeable mole under her right eye.
Aside from Futaba and Takeda, it appears that their relationship has the potential to be more than colleagues.
In one episode, some of the male employees were talking about how popular Sakurai is.
One of them even mentioned that he has been asking her out, but she kept on declining.
Kazama then said that she is way out of their league, leading his friends to think that he is also interested in her.
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So, Will Kazama and Sakurai End Up Together?
While it seemed that only Kazama has feelings for Sakurai, an episode changed that theory when Sakurai subtly asked Kazama to eat dinner with her (despite her declining the offers of her other colleagues).
This scene led viewers to believe that there is a chance for the two characters to end up together.
Unfortunately, there is still no confirmation of that happening, as the romantic comedy manga is still ongoing.
But fans should not lose hope as there are a lot of exciting scenes between the two, making viewers feel that they can end up together.
One example is during New Year when Sakurai dragged Kazama to accompany her to the shrine. The two of them were mistaken for a couple and were even interviewed.
The two of them went along and pretended to be a couple. After their interview, Kazama fell asleep on Sakurai’s lap.
She asked him why he agreed to go out with her when he could've played video games all day.
He explained that it was better to spend time with her than be alone.
Suddenly, a random girl approached them, and after she found out that they were not a couple, she insisted that Kazama should look at the photo she took.
However, she was stopped by Sakurai as the image contained the former kissing the latter while he was unconscious.
Sakurai then deleted the image and did not inform Kazama what it was about.
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