Why Venom is Transported to Tom Holland’s Spider-Man Universe Even If They Haven’t Met Yet

Tom Holland now holds the Spider-Man title and with the Marvel Cinematic Universe going through the Multiverse, former Spider-Mans Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire were able to make an appearance in Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Compared to the previous Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, this cross-over from Spider-Mans in different universes is definitely one of the coolest moments in the history of cinema.

But with the theory of the Multiverse, means that any character in the MCU can now meet in the future.

One specific character is Tom Hardy’s Venom.

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Tom Hardy’s Eddie Brock (Venom) has made a cameo in the recent Spider-Man: No Way Home. He was one of the transported characters to Holland’s Spider-Man universe. Doctor Strange explains that those who knew Spider-Man will enter their universe and Strange won't be able to hold them any longer.

Now here’s the tricky part. Tom Holland’s Spider-Man hasn’t officially met the Venom symbiote yet. But in Maguire’s Spider-Man 3, one of the main villains is Venom.

The explanation to this might be really complex, but what we can assume is that Eddie Brock may not have met Spider-Man yet, but Venom did.

One key line we can also contribute to this theory is Venom’s explanation to Brock about his secrets.

"80 billion light-years of hive knowledge across universes would explode your tiny little brain."

Venom claims that he was alive for 80 billion light-years and we can assume that Brock isn’t his first chosen host. In some other Universe, Venom might have met Spider-Man or in Maguire’s Spider-Man specifically, though this theory is not yet confirmed.

These plotholes might be explained further in the Spider-Man universe or the third Venom movie. Sony and Marvel blew us out with the new Spider-Man: No Way Home film and we will definitely see a Spider-Man and Venom crossover in the future of the MCU.

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