Why (SPOILERS) Didn't Get a Funeral in Avengers: Endgame


Avengers: Endgame has got fans buzzing, with many talking about how much they loved how this film felt like a true ending to the current phase of the MCU. There were a lot of stories that were resolved but they also resulted in some characters dying, which made a lot of people sad. Obviously, a lot of people were invested in these heroes and we can only hope that future films get our love and affection like these characters.

While many fans wept when Iron Man sacrificed his life to wipe out Thanos and his army, a lot of people were also shocked when Black Widow did the same thing so that the Avengers could get the Soul Stone. This is why a lot of people weren't pleased when she didn't get a funeral or eulogy, while Tony did.

Speaking with The New York Times, Avengers: Endgame co-writer Stephen McFeely felt that it wouldn't have fit with her character if she had a funeral. Here is what he had to say:

"Tony gets a funeral. Natasha doesn't. That's partly because Tony's this massive public figure and she's been a cipher the whole time. It wasn't necessarily honest to the character to give her a funeral."

This won't be the last time we'll be seeing Black Widow since the character is getting a solo film in 2020. Obviously, it will be set in the past and is expected to take place before Iron Man 2.

Avengers: Endgame is now showing in theaters.

Read: Avengers: Endgame Has A Huge Thanos Plot Hole (SPOILERS)