Avengers: Endgame Has A Huge Thanos Plot Hole (SPOILERS)


While Avengers: Endgame is an emotional experience with great characters and emotional moments, it's also a movie that has superheroes going back in time to steal reality-altering jewelry to bring back half the universe. It is bound to have some leaps in logic and that can be a bit too much for some, even comic book fans who relish in this ridiculousness regularly.

There are a number of plot holes we can cover but how about we tackle the one that literally put a hole in the Avengers' base. How did Nebula (2014) bring Thanos' ship to the modern day when they seemingly had no Pym Particles or Time Stone to use?

Before the film's climax, Nebula (2014) manages to bring Thanos and his army to the modern day (of 2023), just as Professor Hulk managed to bring half of the universe back with a snap at the cost of one of his arms. Each Avenger only had enough Pym Particles for a roundtrip across time and the fact that Nebula was able to bring a whole ship filled with Chitauri has a lot of us scratching our heads.

Some would argue that Nebula uses the machine to pinpoint the location of Thanos and his army but Pym Particles would still be needed. Maybe Thanos had the technology to replicate those particles but that scene is never shown. It's definitely a glaring plot hole but one that fans won't take much umbrage with since it made for an exciting climax.

Avengers: Endgame is now showing in theaters.

Via Unilad

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