Lookism, the upcoming anime series based on a popular Korean webtoon by Park Tae-joon, was one of the most highly-anticipated anime titles heading to Netflix, but the Japanese-Korean series has been delayed from its original release date: Friday, November 4, 2022. On Oct. 31, Netflix announced the postponement of Lookism's streaming date following the tragedy. Now, fans are wondering why its release date was pushed back to an indefinite date. We have the answer below, but first, some details about Lookism.
The anime adaptation of Lookism comes from Studio Mir, the same Korean animation studio behind Dota: Dragon's Blood and The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf. For those unfamiliar, Lookism follows the story of a high-school student who can switch between two bodies: one fat and ugly, and the other fit and handsome.
Why Lookism was delayed by Netflix
The premiere of Netflix's Lookism was delayed due to the Itaewon Halloween crowd crush, which happened on Oct. 29, 2022 in the Itaewon neighborhood of Seoul, South Korea.
According to authorities, 156 people died and at least 173 others were injured. Most of the victims were young adults, and 26 of them are foreign nationals, with victims from countries including China, United States, Thailand, Russia, Iran, Japan, Sri Lanka, France, Australia, Norway, Austria, Kazakhstan, Uzbekitstan, and Vietnam. According to South Korea's Ministry of Education, six school students were among the dead, including one middle school student and a few others were in high school.
South Korea president Yoon Suk-yeol announced a national period of mourning in light of the situation while the tragedy is being investigated.
Has Netflix revealed a new premiere date for Lookism?
As of Nov. 8, Netflix and Studio Mir haven't announced a new premiere date for Lookism, but since the anime was originally set to release on Nov. 4, it's likely that fans won't have to wait for too long before it comes out on Netflix.
Epicstream will update you with the new premiere date once Netflix officially announces it.
Who are the cast members of Lookism?
Here's a list of previously-announced cast members of Lookism:
- Park Hyung Suk: (Before) Shim Kyu Hyuck, (After) Han Shin
- Lee Jin Sung: Ryu Seung Gone
- Vasco: Jeong Jae Heon
- Jin Ho Bin: Nam Doh Hyeong
- Pyeon Duk Hwa: Hwang Chang Yung
- Park Ha Neul: Sa Moon Young
Here's Netflix's official synopsis of Lookism:
Currently serialized on LINE Manga and Naver WEBTOON, “Lookism” follows the protagonist as he works hard to live life against the backdrop of various social issues. It began serialization in 2014 and has 8.7 billion views globally. Just like the original webtoon, the story of the animated series “Lookism” also deals with the subtle lookism and materialism present in the lives of people living in modern society. Unique character designers have breathed life into the main characters of the original manga, giving them vivid voices, dynamic direction and gorgeous effects. Through fascinating episodes with a slightly different feel compared to the original manga, this series will deliver excitement and new discoveries. Enjoy the story of Park Hyeong-seok as he overcomes diverse encounters and conflicts and grows to fulfill his dreams.
Related: Where to Read Lookism Before You Watch Netflix's Japanese-Korean Anime
The Lookism webtoon by Park Tae-joon was published on Naver Webtoon in 2019, and it's still ongoing.