Tokyo Manji Gang’s structure consists of division captains, all of whom prove themselves worthy in the eyes of Manjiro Sano. One of them is Yasuhiro Muto, also known as Mucho, who stands at the top of Toman’s fifth division. As the plot unfolds, why did Yasuhiro Muto betray Toman in Tokyo Revengers?
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Yasuhiro Muto, Toman’s Fifth Division Captain
Yasuhiro Muto is Tokyo Manji Gang’s fifth division captain, recruited by Manjiro Sano after the S-62 generation, also known as the Vicious Generation, was disbanded.
Before disbandment, Mucho was heavily involved in various criminal acts, from robbery, drug trafficking, and assault, to more corrupt and heinous means to expand the group’s assets. The more money they get, the better it is for the S-62 generation.
After S-62’s disbandment, Mucho swore his loyalty and allegiance to Manjiro Sano and the Tokyo Manji Gang, even though Mikey already knew that he was a loyalist to another king, Izana Kurokawa.
Still, Mikey cared for Mucho’s allegiance to him rather than his loyalty to Izana.
Eventually, Muto rose to the ranks and became the fifth division’s captain. His brute strength makes him the strongest division captain in Toman. In fact, he can break his opponent’s spine just by making one judo throw!
Unlike Toman’s other division captains, Muto has a very stoic personality, keeping a calm and collected demeanor most of the time, even when he’s fighting.
Due to his loyalty, Mikey gave him an important role in identifying traitors within Toman. He leads the gang’s Public Morality Council, which gives him the power to punish those traitors even without Mikey’s consent.
In reality, Mucho dislikes infighting the most, even though he was tasked with instigating it within Toman.
Why Did Yasuhiro Muto Betray Toman?
Yasuhiro Muto betrayed Toman after Izana Kurokawa’s return, even though he was ironically in charge of identifying the traitors within Toman.
As it turns out, Muto is one of Tenjiku’s founding members and will follow Izana in making their dreams a reality.
He has huge trust in Izana’s leadership and is even more loyal to him than Mikey. But if Mucho had known Mikey before Izana, the story would have been different.
When Muto abducted Takemichi, Inui, and Koko, he confessed his allegiance to Izana and even all of his past crimes. It was also revealed that he informed Valhalla of Toman’s plans.
Since Izana’s goals are to take down Toman and put an end to Mikey, Muto will do anything on Izana’s behalf, even if it means killing Takemichi.
Even if Muto shows compassion to his former comrades, he’s more than willing to challenge them in a fight to show his unrivaled loyalty to Izana.
Yasuhiro Muto’s betrayal was a huge game-changer for Tokyo Revengers. Not only did it cost the lives of several Toman members, but it also pushed Takemichi to confront his weaknesses and become a better character.
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