Invincible is an adult animated superhero series that’s filled with bloody violence and lots of deaths. The first season even begins with the deaths of all the members of the most powerful superhero team in the Invincible universe. So, who dies and who survives in Invincible?
Warning: This article contains spoilers for Invincible. Read at your own risk!
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Why Did Omni-Man Kill the Guardians of the Globe?
The first episode of the Invincible animated series ends with Omni-Man killing all the members of the Guardians of the Globe.
Why he did so was one of the mysterious throughout the season, with characters such as Cecil, Damien Darkblood, and his wife Debbie trying to find out the truth behind the deaths of the members of the Guardians of the Globe.
Omni-Man later reveals that the Viltrumite Empire intends to conquer the world, and Omni-Man is assigned to Earth. The Guardians of the Globe would have prevented him from accomplishing his Viltrumite mission, which was why he decided to kill them.
Later on, the Immortal is revived and is once again placed in charge of the Guardians of the Globe.
Did Donald Die in Invincible?
Donald Ferguson, Cecil’s assistant and an agent of the Global Defense Agency (GDA) dies in the first season of Invincible. He was killed by Omni-Man after the latter found out that the GDA was spying on him.
However, in Invincible Season 2’s premiere, Donald is alive. The reason for this is not revealed in the animated series yet, but in the Invincible comics, Donald is a robot. He was not always a robot, though.
In the comics, Donald was a GDA agent who died during one of his missions. With the GDA’s resources, Donald was brought back to life as a robot.
In Season 2’s premiere, it appears that Donald is not aware that he is a robot. In the comics, he only finds out about the truth years after he became an android. The upcoming episodes of Season 2 will likely reveal more about Donald’s robotic nature.
READ MORE: Invincible Season 2 Cast: All Voice Actors and Characters
Did the Mauler Twins Die in Invincible?
In the second season’s premiere, Angstrom Levy wants to have knowledge of all his versions from different dimensions. He recruits the Mauler twins to build a machine that will combine all their minds into one.
They begin the process, but then Invincible arrives. Angstrom brings in different variants of the Maulers, and they begin beating up Mark.
Angstrom says that he “won’t build his utopia with blood”, so he takes off the helmet, and the machine explodes.
It is later revealed in the mid-credits scene that one of the Maulers is still alive, which means we can expect more trouble coming from the Mauler Twins considering that when one dies, another clone is made.
Is Allen the Alien Dead in Invincible?
In the third episode of Invincible Season 2, it appears that Allen the Alien died. He gets attacked by the Viltrumites and is later placed in a stasis pod. Thaedus offers to watch over him, and it appears that he killed him.
However, creator Robert Kirkman confirmed that Allen the Alien is not dead. Kirkman told TV Guide:
“He's not dead because he's in that iron lung at the end of the episode, so he's still alive. He may be a vegetable for the rest of the show, or he may be a severed head that's got a robot body that exists in that form, or he could just be a disembodied voice that's driving a drone from that iron lung thing.
So any number of ways Allen could continue on in the show, but it's definitely going to be different from the way he existed before.”
So, Allen the Alien did not die in the third episode, but things are going to be different for the character.