Visual Prison is an original anime set to air on October 9, 2021. It was produced by A-1 Pictures that follows vampire masquerade. These vampires are visual kei musicians who gather together once a year in Harajuku to attend an event called the Visual Prison. Ange Yuki is the lead protagonist who decided to visit Harajuku to witness his favorite act.
He was surprised that it turned out to be a musical battle between Lost Eden and Eclipse, two bands that are set to perform at the said event. The series will be aired on Tokyo MX in Japan. But where can international fans view the series?
Where to Watch Visual Prison: Is it on Netflix?
It appears that Visual Prison won't be appearing on Netflix anytime soon. The streaming platform did not mention about acquiring a license over the series despite offering tons of anime before. While there is still a chance for the streaming site to release it in a few months or years, fans will just have to wait for an official announcement to confirm.
Where to Watch Visual Prison: Is it on Crunchyroll?
While Crunchyroll released some articles about the series, it did not mention anything about adding the series to its library. This could mean that the streaming giant will not be offering the series for now. Crunchyroll fans should not worry though as there are still a lot of binge-worthy titles to check out on the site.
Where to Watch Visual Prison: Is it on Funimation?
Like Netflix and Crunchyroll, Funimation is quiet regarding the matter. The platform did not mention if it will be releasing Visual Prison or not. Fans can wait further for an announcement or try to look for other platforms to view the series.
Where to Watch Visual Prison: Is it on Hulu?
Hulu will not be offering Visual Prison as of this writing. It could be that the streaming site is waiting for the anime to be a hit before it adds to its library or it is already planning to acquire a license over the series. For now, the chance of watching the series on Hulu is rather slim.
For now, none of these four platforms will be offering the series. Fans will need to wait for an update regarding this one to know where they can stream Visual Prison.