Where is the best place to watch and stream 'Jingle All The Way' as of November 2021? We've compiled an updated list of streaming services that currently have 'Jingle All The Way' movies available to watch!
Watch Jingle All The Way Free: November 2021 Update
- 'Jingle All The Way' is available to stream on Disney+.
- 'Jingle All The Way' can also be rented or purchased on Amazon Video or YouTube Movies.
No matter what people might say, 'Jingle All The Way' is a Christmas classic. Well, sort of. Either way, it should definitely be part of your Christmas movies watchlist. For starters, it stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as a father who, on Christmas Eve, along with countless other last-minute shoppers, tears his hair out looking for Turbo Man - a popular TV show superhero that has taken the world by storm and as such, has sold out everywhere.
It also stars Jake Lloyd, who you might recognize as the very young Anakin Skywalker from 1999's 'Star Wars: The Phantom Menace' - so what more could you want?! This festive, slapstick adventure might not be a merry masterpiece, but there's certainly a lot of fun to be had here, and there's also a lot in the way of nostalgia, strangely enough. While Turbo Man is a fictitious hero within the movie, it still takes us back to the day of the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers in the early '90s.
Is Jingle All The Way on Netflix?
Well, we're off to a bad start, but we suppose it's a little bit like looking for the Turbo Man action figure a few weeks before Christmas! 'Jingle All The Way' isn't on Netflix, but we're sure there are plenty of other stores - er, streaming services - where you might find it. Never mind, though - the streaming service is only $8.99 per month basic, $13.99 standard, or $17.99 premium.
Is Jingle All The Way on Hulu?
See - all it takes is a bit of shopping around! 'Jingle All The Way' is available to stream on Hulu. Membership is $5.99 per month, however, take note that prices are soon set to increase.
Is Jingle All The Way on Disney Plus?
'Jingle All The Way' is also available to stream on Disney+. For this and many more Christmas movies, the Disney+ annual membership fee is $79.99, and the monthly cost is $7.99.
Is Jingle All The Way on Amazon Video?
If you aren't a member of any of the streaming services we've looked at so far, you can always check out 'Jingle All The Way' on Amazon Video. Rentals cost around $3.99 and purchases are $14.99. Remember - you'll have 48 hours after you start watching, so don't let your movie become a Turbo Man action figure.
Is Jingle All The Way on HBO Max?
Unfortunately, 'Jingle All The Way' isn't available on HBO Max. But if you're still interested in signing up, the streaming service membership fee is $14.99 per month.
Is Jingle All The Way on Peacock?
'Jingle All The Way' isn't available to stream on Peacock, either. If the movie isn't a deal-breaker for you where streaming services are concerned, subscriptions are $4.99 monthly or $49.99 for the year for a premium account.
Is Jingle All The Way on Paramount Plus?
There's only one streaming service with a 'Plus' that has 'Jingle All The Way', and unfortunately it isn't Paramount+. Nevertheless, a basic package will cost you $4.99 per month, and the ad-free premium package is $9.99 per month.
Is Jingle All The Way on YouTube Movies?
'Jingle All The Way' is available on YouTube movies. Like Amazon Video, you can either rent or purchase for around the same price.
In What Order Should I Watch the Jingle All The Way movies?
There are only two 'Jingle All The Way' movies, with 'Jingle All The Way 2' having gone straight to VOD in 2014 (and with good reason - it's pretty bad). Nevertheless, the viewing order is as straight-forward as you might have guessed:
- 'Jingle All The Way'
- 'Jingle All The Way 2'
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Perhaps 'Jingle All The Way' is one of those Christmas movies that you learn to appreciate more as you get older, because while it isn't as well-executed as it could have been, this cynical comedy is definitely something that speaks to the adult in all of us, as opposed to the inner-child like most Christmas movies tend to.